OMIClear - Uma empresa em processo de diversificação

OMIClear - A company in the process of diversification

Pioneiros na aplicação de soluções inovadoras

Pioneer in the implementation of innovative solutions


OMIClear, C.C., S.A. is a company established in Portugal that provides clearing and settlement services as a clearing house and central counterparty since July 3rd, 2006.

On October 31st, 2014 OMIClear was approved by its National Competent Authority (CMVM) and the rest of the members of EMIR College to perform the clearing and settlement activity as an ‘authorized CCP’, in compliance with EMIR (European Market Infrastructure Regulation).

Currently OMIClear CCP provides clearing and settlement services to:

Iberian and Non-Iberian Power Derivatives Contracts traded or registered in OMIP SGMR, S.A. regulated market. For more information on this service please see menu Services > Power Derivatives)

Natural Gas Derivatives Contracts at PVB-ES virtual trading point traded/registered in the connected markets: OMIP SGMR, S.A.,MIBGAS Derivatives S.A. and MIBGAS S.A.. For more information on this service please see menu Services > Natural Gas Derivatives)